Thursday 17 September 2015

Confessions: I use a Kindle and I LOVE it

***Before you read this article, if you have even thought about buying a Kindle, I would jump over to Amazon this second because they are on sale for $49.99***

I recently saw this article,"10 Things People Who Read Ebooks are Tired of Hearing" and I can relate to nearly every single one. I started using my Kindle last December (yay for Christmas presents!) and I have grown quite attached. 

I ride the metro to work everyday and I like to talk with other people about what they are reading. I absolutely hate when the other person says, "I could never use a Kindle, I just love books too much" because it is always accompanied with a look like I'm some sort of sell-out. Because I switched over to a Kindle, the entire book printing business is going to crumble and everyone will be forced to use an e-reader. Or that because I use a tablet, I'm not a legitimate reader.

This complete foolishness. I probably read more now that I have my Kindle than before and that is because it helps me access the usefulness of the public library. For some strange reason, I really don't like library books. I have fond memories of going to the library with my grandma when I was a child, but there is something about that plastic covering and the smell that I just don't like library books. I also lead a very busy life and don't have time to go to the library and to remember to take back my books. I checked out a book at the beginning the spring on container gardening and had it for probably 2-3 months. I have no idea what kind of late fees await me.


However, my mom and sister introduced me to the Overdrive app that allows you to check out e-books from the library onto your tablet or phone and I have to admit, I have an addiction. Whenever I hear about a new book, I immediately check Overdrive and see if it is available. I feel like 75% of the books I search for are available on the app. I use my library card here in Maryland and my mom's card in Arizona to increase the likelihood of available books. I currently have holds on The Life We Bury, Euphoria, 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi, Go Set A Watchman, Chocolat, and The Man in the High Castle. I currently have In the Kingdom of Ice checked out. It is so convenient and wonderful that my library books just suddenly appear on my Kindle, like this magical book delivery system.

Not only am I saving money by not buying books, but I'm able to avoid those pesky late fees :)

So can we all just get along? No matter the method, reading is just the best :)

I did laugh when the following screen popped up when I started P.S. I Still Love You.

This is not a sponsored post. All of the opinions in this post are my own.

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